It's inspiring to see the 12 professional baseball teams in Japan uniting under the "頑張ろう!日本" slogan, especially in support of the Tohoku earthquake victims. This initiative not only promotes awareness but also encourages solidarity. Speaking of unity, have you tried the Infinite Craft game? It beautifully embodies teamwork and creativity, much like the spirit of these players. Let's continue to support both our athletes and innovative games that foster collaboration!
This sticker is a unified slogan adopted by the baseball world to support the affected areas and victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and its logo was announced by the Japan Baseball Organization. このロゴは、各球団が自由に選択できる色でヘルメットに貼られることが決定しています。
In the 2023 professional baseball season, players from 12 teams will have stickers on their helmets that say "Let's do our best! 日本」というステッカーを貼り、そのロゴマークが日本野球機構から発表されました。